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Application for Re-Connection of Domestic Consumer

If application for Re-connection has already been submitted, Please click here to know the status of your application.
Please enter the information in fields below. All fields marked with * are mandatory.
Account ID:*

:صارف نمبر
Owner Detail:  
Disconnection Date:   :کنکشن منقطع ہونے کی تاریخ
Disconnection Reason:   :کنکشن منقطع ہونے کی وجہ
Outstanding Balance:   :واجب الادا رقم
Application Particulars:
:درخواست کے مندرجات
Owner CNIC No.: *
Without Dashes 1234512345671
:کمپیوٹرائزڈ قومی شناختی کارڈ
CNIC Issue Date: *
:کمپیوٹرائزڈ قومی شناختی کارڈ کی تاریخ اجرا
Mobile: *
Upload scanned copy of Front side of CNIC
:قومی شناختی کارڈ کی نقل
CNIC (Back Side)*:
Upload scanned copy of Front side of CNIC
:قومی شناختی کارڈ کی نقل
Paid Bill*:
Upload scanned copy of Paid Bill
:ادا شدہ بل کی نقل
Property Document1*:
Upload scanned copy of Property Documents
:ملکیتی کاغذات
Property Document2:
Upload scanned copy of Property Documents
:ملکیتی کاغذات
Property Document3:
Upload scanned copy of Property Documents
:ملکیتی کاغذات
Only Image(JPG/JPEG/PNG/GIF) and PDF files up to 5 MB size are allowed.
Captcha Image :*
Type characters as shown in below box.
:Captcha تصویر
All fields marked with * are mandatory.