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Subscription for Delivery of Gas Bill through Email/SMS

To subscribe for delivery of Gas Bills through Email/SMS (Paperless bill), please enter the required information below and click on Submit button. All fields marked with * are mandatory.
Are you Owner of the Premises?   Yes
If No is selected above
  Other (Please enter detail below)
Consumer No.: *
CNIC Issue Date: *
Mobile No.: *
Email: *
If "Tenant or Other" is selected above, enter the details below
Owner Name:
Owner CNIC:
CNIC Issue Date:
Owner Mobile No.: *
Owner Email:
Please check the details above and confirm by accepting below mentioned options for receiving of gas through
Terms & Conditions for Paper less Bill (through Email/ SMS)
  • By selecting the paperless bill delivery options, you agree that SNGPL will deliver/send your e-bill to the email address/ contact number provided by you instead of hardcopy of the bill.
  • To ensure that you receive your paper less bill, it is recommended to add "" to your safe sender/ contact list/
  • You acknowledge that you will check your email/ SMS regularly to view your monthly e-bill.
  • Please ensure your email address is updated in a timely manner in case of any change.
  • By selecting the option, you acknowledge that SNGPL is not responsible for the lost or misdirected paperless bills i.e., if your email address/ contact number is not valid, your inbox is full or your SNGPL paper less bill is sent to your junk email folder etc.
  I undertake that details entered above are correct to the best of my knowledge.